I spent my evenings drinking too much. There was nothing else to do. My best friend lied too often and loneliness held my hand too tight as I lay on my bed moping at the roof of my empty room. I had to indulge myself. Make the evenings worthwhile. Get away from it all. The lies my friend told… the babbling of my parents… the pressure to be what I was not… the cheap men that wanted to a piece of me… ambition… I was too young for it all. I had to get away. One of these evenings cannot be erased from my memory. In ten years, twenty or sixty… It started out beautiful… I had had four little cups of Don Simon; they went down too quickly. Seven hard gulps. I liked to feel woozy quickly, laugh early and walk home late, right before the hard-hearted gateman locked the gate. As I walked towards the punch guy to get a fifth cup, a certain character walked up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder… I stared hard at the guy. He looked very familiar… “Yes?” “Hi.” He ...